The cold wind howled through the hollow trees in the dead of night. The smell of rotting wood clung to the thick humid air making every breath labored. 

Not a living thing in sight except “them”. Who they were or what they wanted was unclear. It was too dark to see “them” but I knew they were there. 

As I walked through the forest my shoes clung to the floor as the mud gripped my heel. With each step, I felt myself sinking deeper and deeper. Every twig snap or bramble that brushed my leg made my heart skip a beat. My only savior was a candle now halfway burnt, the small flame danced on a chard wick as the wax raced to the bottom burning my hand with each drip. 

Something about the flame kept them away. I don’t know why but something was telling me if I could just make it out of these woods, I would be safe. Suddenly, I heard something behind me, it sounded like they took a deep breath. I could feel the warmth of their lips inches from my ear. In a soft comforting tone, they said “lights out.”

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