Patient ID: 631

Name: Thomas Pangle

Sex: Male

Case file: The Magic Show 

Notes: Do you remember when you stopped believing in magic? Before logic beat you into submission and cynicism became a badge of honor?

Today we learn about Thomas, a boy from a small town who will soon discover that illusions are so much more than sleight of hand, they’re a vessel, a Time Machine of sorts that impede rationality even if only for a moment to transport us to a time where anything is possible.

  • Thaddeus Botgore 

No description available.

It was a warm summer day when the magic show arrived. In a small town like Belling, it was a real treat. No one stops here except truckers filling up and people looking for directions.

For our quaint town of five hundred people, something like this was bigger than Christmas.

I remember a big truck pulling up with a man in a cape and top hat. More than anything, I remember the excitement of the young children as he introduced himself.

“I am William the great!”

He said as he approached a woman and presented her with flowers from what appeared out of thin air. 

The town was stunned in amazement. You have to understand, for years we had poor reception. The Internet was a luxury many went without. While my generation was raised on YouTube, the majority of this town spent their afternoons gossiping about their neighbors and drinking the night away.

I wanted to speak up and reveal his tricks but I figured, “why not let the town have this moment.”

I must admit, the show was fun.

There were rabbits pulled from hats and a small stage constructed on which he stood atop. He had Beverly Wilshtone our local librarian stand behind a curtain only to disappear moments later.

He even produced doves from a flame but the most shocking part was when he began sawing my little brother in half.

By the time we heard the blood-curdling screams, we realized there was nothing magical at all.

Turns out he was an escaped lunatic and his “magic box” was just a box.

The police found him one town over just before his “grand finale”

My parents got divorced shortly after that day.

The town never spoke of it again but you can still feel sadness and horror in the air.

I don’t know if it was his charm or something about his tricks but I suddenly have a desire for magic.

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