“Necromancy is strictly forbidden. To open the city to that kind of magic? You may as well let the Asrahain kill us themselves.”

“I don’t think we have much option.” The king said lazily.

“And how do you fathom we supply this” Herelotus looked over at Nollie with disgust. “War-lock with his army of the undead?”

“Herelotus, you know as well as I the courtyard is filled with the corpses of the fallen. To raise an army of dead soldiers would only further signify their honor for the crown.”

“Are you suggesting digging up the corpses of those laid to rest? Forgive me sir but even for a god of war such as yourself desecration of those laid to rest is the greatest of all sins.”

“Not to worry” Nollie said with minor annoyance. “The corpses need to be fresher. Little use in rotting bones on the battlefield.”

“So what do you suggest?” The King asked inquisitively.

“We’ll need fresh corpses. No less than thirty thousand.”

“THIRTY THOUSAND CORPSES? And where do you expect us to find that?” Herelotus asked.

“My liege, old town alone has a population of sixty thousand. If the Asrahain arrive that will easily be zero before nightfall.”

“Are you suggesting we kill our own?”

“Not kill as much as sacrifice. Consider it a gift to the King. A sacrifice for the greater good.”

“And how do you expect us to do this?”

“I don’t. We just didn’t know the Asrahain poisoned the grain until it was too late.”

“Poison our own people? Have you lost your mind?”

“Quite. But that’s a story for a later time.”

“Your liege, with due respect you must see the madness in his words.”

“Hold your tongue. I want to hear him out. Currently it’s the only solution we have.” The king extended his swollen hand and said “please, Nollie.”

Nollie bowed graciously and continued. “My liege, I have an army of imps who jump at the opportunity for mischievous deeds. Given your permission I can infect the grain from here to Zashilria in a fortnight. Symptoms should show rather quickly and before they know it, they would be armed and ready to take the Asrahain.”


“Maybe, but better to be insane than dead.”

“And what do you propose of the bodies after the defense?”

“That’s entirely up to you. If you wish, we can burn the remains respectfully laying them to rest…or…”

The King waited with anticipation then suddenly burst out. “OR WHAT?!”

“You can’t be seriously entertaining this lunacy!”


Herelotus went silent.

Nollie continued “Or…we keep them in this undead stasis to be used as your fearless army. The undead do not die, they feel no pain, they are the ultimate soldier.”

Herelotus bit his tongue.

Scratching his beard the king thought for a moment. “A fortnight?”

“A fortnight.” Nollie said with a grin that said “the plan’s already in motion.”

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