Patient ID: 7588

Name: Ryan Baargon

Sex: Male

Case file: Love At First Sight

Notes: Love is a fickle thing. It’s the driving force of our existence but can capsize one just as quickly leaving them to drown in the depths of loneliness.

Today we learn about Ryan, a hopeless romantic who takes a chance with love.

  • Thaddeus Botgore 

The moment I saw her I knew it was love at first sight. It might have been her auburn hair and the way it lazily laid against her pale skin or her piercing blue eyes as deep as the ocean floor, whatever it was, she had to be mine.

I asked her name but saw from her name tag it was Julia.  A lifetime of anxiety makes one observant of their surroundings.

Girls…Women? Women, I guess, were never my strong suit, as you can tell.

I was nervous as hell. It was my first time talking to a beautiful woman, let alone seeing her naked.

I ran my fingers up her thigh as I explored the peaks and valleys that made perfection incarnate. 

As I mounted her, our lips met to create what I can only describe as a metamorphosis into adulthood. At thirty one I’ve finally gone from boy to man. With Julia by my side, I can conquer the world.

Suddenly, footsteps began approaching rapidly. I knew we didn’t have much time. I told her to hide but the look on her face said “it’s over”. She was right. With nothing but each other, we embraced, locking lips while they entered the room guns blazing. They tried to tear us apart but I didn’t go willingly.

The judge said my actions were reprehensible and took my license away. I’ve been deemed insane and forced to spend the next fifteen years in a cell for the mentally inept. I’m not stupid, I’m in love and Julia now sits there alone, waiting for me, scared but I know she knows deep down one day I will return to the morgue and I will once again be with my one true love. 

Thank you for reading Sessions with Dr. Botgore. Sharing is caring and if you enjoyed the story, a quick share would mean the world 🙂


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