They Came From The Sea

On a Sunday the crab people came from the sea

The villagers quickly began to flee

But it did not take the villagers long until they heard the crab people’s song. 

As the day quickly turned to night, the crab people began their sacrificial rite.

“Druidic magic” The wise man said.

By the following morning half the village was dead.

Mothers cried as children ran as Yologgarash rose from the sand. 

The crab people prayed to show their devotion 

And later that night returned to the ocean.

The village was barren, a wasteland of dread

For the time being the crab peoples god was fed.

Hello friends, I wanted to send this one extra email with a question for you. I respect your privacy and want to ensure I’m not overstepping boundaries but I’ve noticed many of you have not checked Substack for these new stories. I’m afraid many might have forgotten with your busy lives and wanted to ask how you felt about a quick morning email with these short stories ONLY FOR THE MONTH OF OCTOBER! It would mean a lot if you could let me know your thoughts either in the comment section or just this poll. I don’t want to spam you but if you enjoy these stories I want to ensure you have access to them!

Warmest regards,

  • Lorne

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